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How to write the perfect SAP CV?

An effective SAP CV is very essential for building a successful SAP career. For getting hold of various SAP job opportunities one’s curriculum vitae does play a vital role in impressing the employers. It should be well-prepared to get hired. Competition in the SAP job market is stiff and one must have well written an updated CV.

1. Optimize the CV:

It should be easy to read. A quick glance should reveal all there is to know about a person applying for an SAP job.
It should be optimized well. At the beginning of the CV, the job title should be clear as well as boldly mentioned like for example SAP HANA Consultant. The job title must be clear and bold. And one must clearly indicate the job position or SAP project description that one was applying for. Key information must be presented well. Underlining, bullet points, colored text, bold text, as well as header text that can all be made use of to emphasize the respective key information within one’s CV.

2 – Emphasize the first impression:

The first impression is always the lasting impression. The first page on one’s CV is very important. One must perfect it. The opening sentence must be impressive. It should convey the required information well. It is the “window” to the CV.

3 –CV must be structured well:

  • A logical, as well as effective structure, is very important for essential for writing an impressive SAP CV. It should be as follows: Document Title: Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume, Profile etc. Basic details: Full Name, job title, nationality (plus details of any other working permissions held), Date of birth (optional), marital status (optional), address, photo (optional), contact number, email address, languages are spoken (and proficiency).
  • The Profile Summary should be concise telling briefly who the candidate is and should highlight required information about the person. In the case of an SAP CV, it is better to mention SAP modules, SAP sub-modules that one is specializing in. One must give a personal touch to one’s CV.
  • One must highlight the skills Summary. This could be in the form of a table or a bullet-pointed list of one’s key skills that includes details of all SAP modules and sub-modules that one has. SAP configuration experience can also be mentioned such as SAP FI-GL, SAP FI-AP, SAP FI-AR, SAP CO-PA, SAP CO-PC etc. along with a level of experience or years of experience in each respective area. Also, include the details of other useful SAP-related experience. One must also mention one’s relevant certifications here.
  • Work Experience: One must list out one’s work experience. Each work experience segment must clearly display the basic required key information: Start Date, End Date, Job title, Client Name, Brief Project Description, Key Activities, and Results achieved, Education / Training Courses / Certifications. One must also give details of one’s training.
  • References: Two short written references will do along with a 3-4 line reference quotation, followed by the name; job title and the company of the referee (only do so with prior consent from the referee). Interests: One must providing details of one’s personal interests.

4. Keywords must be placed in to impress upon the significance and value of the CV.

5 –Adjust one’s CV slightly for each specific SAP vacancy.
6 – Make sure your CV is the right length. The CV must be as short and up-to-the-point as possible, at the same time contain all of the important information.
7-Make sure your CV has a professional look.
8-The CV must be in the right format.
9- One must have an updated SAP CV.
10- Get someone else to check your CV.

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