Choosing anSAP Partner Committed to Making SAP Simple
One has to just cut the training budget, dump off the costly workarounds, and also increase the revenue when SAP is actually working for your benefit. Several companies do make SAP applications and interfaces very simple and rather very usable, so that the users can also focus on what really matters i.e. getting down onto the business.
One has to find a certified SAP Services partner thus providing full-cycle adoption strategy, interface design, and application development services for SAP, including:
- SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Fiori, Portal, Mobile Services, Cloud Connector, IoT, HCI)
- SAP User Experience (SAP UI5, SAP Build, SAP Personas, SAP SPLASH)
- SAP Hybris (e-commerce, marketing, YaaS)
- CRM (Cloud for Customer, Cloud for Sales, Cloud for Service)
- IBM WebSphere
- User Experience (Lightning, Visual Force, APEX)
- SharePoint
- Mobility (Native, Hybrid, Mobile Web)
Companies are actively recruiting participants for our User Experience (UX) Interviews & Usability Testing for SAP HANA.XE.
These user interviews and tests will be also be conducted at a very detailed level, so that one may be able to better understand background and the level of comfort with SAP HANA, express edition and subsequently does improve these user experiences with the product.
Usability Test & User Interview Sessions
After placing participants into user groups, meetings are held on a on a 1:1 basis in order to interview their particular user journeys, and/or perform 1:1 usability tests with them. One also does welcome to sign up for either one, or both. For better feedback, we also do recommend doing both, although there are no obligations in case of time constraints.
Usability Test:
One will also perform a live hands-on test on HXE, while being observed by a member of one’s team. No worries, this is indeed a casual, interactive session. One must have much fun playing around with HXE while chatting. A Skype session can also be arranged.
For remote usability test sessions, one requires video conference with via Skype, and also be able to share one’s desktop screen while performing the session. One has to make sure one is comfortable with this arrangement if one has a remote. One’s information is kept confidential.
Indeed SAP does involve a lot of training elements and is very interesting. It is worth pursuing as career.
User Interviews (we prefer that users have at least played around with HXE for a little bit):
This is also a casual, interactive conversation where we chat about your experience with HXE. You can talk in detail about specific points in your user experience journey.
Basic Requirement
Experience with using SAP HANA, express edition. This can vary at different levels – from being a new user who just heard about HXE and getting started with it, to being a seasoned user who uses it for productive purposes. If you fit this broad spectrum of usage levels, feel free to participate.